Immunisation session

Ensuring the health and well-being of our community is a priority for the City of Logan. We are pleased to offer immunisation sessions to protect you and your loved ones from preventable diseases. To participate in an upcoming immunisation session, follow these simple steps:

Immunisation Steps

  1. Step 1: Check Eligibility and Schedule
    1. Visit our website to view the upcoming immunisation session schedule.
    2. Verify that you or your family members are eligible for the specific vaccines being offered.
  2. Step 2: Prepare Required Information
    1. Gather your Medicare card or relevant documentation for eligibility verification.
    2. If you're bringing children, ensure you have their health records and any applicable medical information.
  3. Step 3: Attend the Session
    1. On the scheduled date and time of the immunisation session, arrive at the designated location.
    2. Bring your Medicare card or relevant documentation for eligibility verification.
    3. Wear clothing that allows easy access to the upper arm for vaccination.
  4. Step 4: Session Process
    1. Upon arrival, follow the instructions provided by our staff.
    2. Complete any necessary forms or paperwork.
    3. Notify the staff of any allergies or medical conditions before vaccination.
  5. Step 5: Post-Session
    1. After receiving the vaccination, you will be provided with information about the vaccine and potential side effects.
    2. Keep a record of the vaccines received for your personal records and future reference.

Important Notes

  • Be punctual for the session to ensure a smooth process.
  • Notify the staff of any allergies or medical conditions before vaccination.
  • If you have concerns about specific vaccines, feel free to ask our staff for more information.

We appreciate your commitment to safeguarding your health and that of the community. Our immunisation sessions play a vital role in preventing the spread of diseases and protecting vulnerable individuals.

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